Monday, November 26, 2012

T'is the Season

Yes folks, Thanksgiving is over. Over in a flash it came and went and now we are off and running! Running Where? To the stores of course.
Some folks make it a tradition on Black Friday that after a feast on Thanksgiving to rest up and be in gear to hit the stores by midnight to get the best of deals!
Now somehow standing in line in the cold at midnight to get the best deals does not appeal to me and personally I do not know how they do it? Why I'm exhausted from baking and cooking the Thanksgiving  Dinner, but there are those that do it and take pride on the fact that they shop all night finding the best deals

This year,I have to be honest. I did par take  in the adventure. I was not up at midnight no I was fast asleep at that time. But, I did make it to a store that was selling real Christ wreaths at 5.00 instead of the usual price of 20.00. I new I needed Three, so off I went loaded my poodles into the Van and by 5 am I was at the store.

Now there was a lady ahead of me and she had selected over 20 wreaths. I did ask her if she was decorating her  home with all of those wreaths and her replay was no she was sing it for Gifts for her kids teachers so they would have a real wreath to hang on there doors at school.
now I thought that was a novel gift and quite the fragrance so while she purchase her 20 wreaths I was quite happy with my three.

No folks, there was no long line. No fighting or pushing. No tug of war. Just me and  my poodles. The lady with the 40 wreaths  and the  beautiful aroma of fresh Christmas trees and wreaths on a cool Black Friday Morning!

Enjoy this Holiday Season

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