A year ago this month my cousins lost there Mom to Cancer a rare cancer that she fought hard. They were extremely close to there Mom and it was hard on all of them to lose her but they are strong within there faith with all different believes came together with Love Strenght and Compassion for there Mom and each other
Time has past and each day they become stronger in there believes and finding some comfort with the loss of there Mom
My cousin was so happy to see me and she showed me things of my Aunts that was devided between all five children. My Aunt saves everything and because of this it has allowed such knowledge of who and where are family came from
Sharon shared with me a news article of out Great Great Grandfather Peter Langbehn who started Langbehn Bakery starting in the 1800. and ended with my Uncle and Mother has bakers of this wonderful legend bakery My cousin Wayne who is now a retired baker has many of the bakery's formulas that was started by Peter Langbehn and now is cherish within the family
Sitting with my cousin and sharing such memories was both happy and sad. Remembering all the warm family gathering all working very hard in the bakery at Holiday time.
While my cousin sipped on her Hot Brewed tea and myself on coffee both of us sharing such a precious time I realized that my Aunt has giver her children a key to a door to UN lock, and the treasure is family! The knowledge to know who they are and where they came from! This to me is the greatest gift a parent could ever leave.
My cousin Sharon is working very hard on UN folding such a gift for all of us to share and empower our self with family knowledge and with this takes more and more of the grief away and leaves her with strength, knowledge and love to share with all of us to know who we really are!
I believe my Aunt is in Heaven and is a Angel and now she is smiling over her family while waving her hand for Sharon to UN lock the family tree.
Our Grandmother with Sharon
My Mother 16 years of age with her Grandfather Henery and our great grand father
Our Great Great Grandfather Peter Langbehn with the first bakery wagon
Here is our great Graqnd Mother Miss Anna and Great Granpa Henery and family
My Aunte Pat and her children Sharon Leonisa Cindy Wayne and Georggenna
My Aunt and her Grand daughter Sammy
Myself when I was running and cycling my great aunt Mary Leonisa sharon Ginna and Cindy
Me when I was cycling and was a blond
My Sister
My Dad and Sharon on Mothers Day
My cousin Ginna and secound cousin Jessie
A christmas tea My dad my Aunt Leoniosa Cindy and Margret
Me and my sister at the beach
My Grandmother and Valerie Cindy and Leonisa
My Grandfather Tom and my grandmother
our cousin wayne
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