September marks the closing of Summer and now the dawn of Fall as it is right around the corner. For myself living in the tropics the cool and dry air is pressing against the warm tropic breezes with the constant threat of some kind of tropical storm but to the true Floridian we can feel the and see the early signs of Fall.
UN like our neighboring states who now are feeling the cooler temperatures and are seeing the apples and pumpkins and most of the fall fruits and berry's that bear in the trees and vines for this time of year. Our heighten since of fall is the dryer air. Sun not so bright and a warm dry breeze that covers our Sunshine State. So with all of this in mind I thought I would share some of my fine recipe's of fall baking with Apples
My Homemade Apple Sauce
You Will Need
2 Lg Granny Smith Apples Peeled and Cored
3 Lg Mackintosh Apples Peeled and Cored
1tbs of Cinnabar
1tsp of vanilla
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4cup of light brown sugar
Core and peel all apples
you will need a food processor for this
Slice apples with a apple slicer place in pot with all of your ingredients and come to simmer until tender but not mushy you want a bite or crisp
choose your blade to the style of
apple sauce you want example chunky and smooth
I like chunky add to food processor then pulse let cool
Serves 8
My Homemade Deep Dish Apple Pie
You Will Need
6 Lg Tart Granny Smith Apples Peeled and Cored
4 Lg Macintosh sweet Apples Peeled and Cored
2 cups of sugar
1/4 cup of light brown sugar
1tbls of cinnamon
1tsp of clove powder
1tbs of vanilla
1tsp of pumpkin pie spice
Butter slices around 8
Instant Tapioca Pudding 6 lg Tbs or more
9 inch deep dish pie plate
pie bird (optional)
Pie Crust pre made or your own
Pre heat Oven to 35o
coat pie pan with cooking spray
lay bottom of pie plate with your pie crust
Mix in a lg bowl all of your ingredients with your
core and sliced apples
Place pie bird in center of pie plate then
add your apples all mix around the pie bird until
plate is full
put butter all through out the pie
Place final pie dough over top of apples and cut a
hole to allow the top of the bird to be sticking out
this will allow the steam to escape
If you do not have a pie bird just cut a whole in center
Place pie in center of Oven with a drip pan to catch any of the pie that may spill over
ten min before taking out if oven brush with egg white
45mim-1hr keep an eye on it
This is a awesome Pie and I always make it for Thanksgiving and always for my Dad!
Enjoy and Lets Welcome the cool and Fun time of Fall!!
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