was 16
with my Great Grandmother
Miss Anna and Great Grandpa

my sister and cousin


behind the Ocean Grill Restaurant
Days Gone By A Tribute to my Family!
In looking to my past going as far back as my childhood I remember such pertinent things about my family and the town that I grew up in. A sleepy little town called Vero Beach which resigned in the state of Florida.
I remember such details things about Vero Beach such as on what is know a major highway State Road 60 which brought you from one side of the coast to the other just go west and you were in Tampa go east from Tampa and the end of the line was Vero Beach. When arriving into the town of Vero Hwy 60 was a road covered in Spanish Banyan Trees and Live Oaks with bending huge arms that greeting and embracing you a pone your arrival as if never to let you go.
One of the most powerful memories was our family bakery run by my Uncle Kenneth. This was a family owned bakery and had been for 4 generations and everyone in town knew about this Bakery and its name was Langbhen Bakery. Our Mother was a baker and both she and her Brother work around the clock to put out some of the finest cakes pastry and breads there was to offer.
Holiday were its busiest time and everyone was put to work from bagging cookies to folding boxes and waiting on costumers.My job was bagging the cookies and all of us were know to steal a cookie every now and then it was to hard to resist.
I don't think that there wasn't any kid that did not work at the bakery. From the donuts boys to friends of the family learning the art of baking. Everyone had a feel of this incredible bakery.
Today Langbehns Bakery is no longer. However, my cousin Wayne is the only family member that is a baker by trade and is now retired. All of us have the talent to bake and do but the bakery was such a special and magical time.
Another found memories I have was Vero Beaches. Growing up in a coastal town is was normal to see us at the beach either snorkeling, diving or just lying in the sun which Florida is famous for.My sister and I would ride our bikes to the beach and stay for hours gosh it is amazing that I did not developed skin cancer because out in the sun I was.Mom loved to scuba dive by the 1st reeve she and Tommy Wood would head out to the beach and off they would go. Tommy was a friend of the family and worked at the bakery for years until moving away with his wife Pearl.
There were so many things about growing up in Vero Beach that I remember but mostly it was my family that made all of the memories so wonderful. We have the most colorful and divest family one could ever image. I always say getting our family together is like herding a bunch of cats. But once together it is as if we were never a part.
My Mom was a strong influence in our life she taught her daughters to be independent and have a open mind and stand true to what you believe in and to this day both my sister and I have this quality.
Our cousin were taught this as well and today each one is successful and happy with there lives.
I have so many memories that were special to me that I could write and share for ever but in this note I hope you have an idea of what a special time it was in my days gone by.
Hi Lydia!!!!
I am oh SO happy that you stopped by and left me a comment on my "Start a New Blog 101" post.
Your comment led me back here and I have to tell you...I am loving your little corner of the world!
These old photos of your family are priceless. Truly. You are so lucky to have them in your possession. I know so because I really don't have much of my history to speak of...(pout pout).
Your boys (standard poodles) are gorgeous and I think that is so cool that you are out in the fields with them. Such great accomplishment!!!!
I've really enjoyed my stay here. I've been reading post after post and soaking it all in.
I'm so happy to have met a new friend ~ please keep in touch :)
Have a wonderful weekend Lydia!!!
Hi Jodie
Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy writing in my blog and as you can see it is about just about everything
Please come back and I look forward in hearing from you
This is just wonderful Lydia...family pictiures are priceless treasures.
Knowing so much about your rich history is a gift!
Hi Sue
Thanks for stopping by and yes memories of ones child hood is priceless and a great treasure. Once again thanks!
It is so interesting to read so many stories about the memories you have of when you were little, and the photos are phenominal!!!
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