Those who know me know and understand the importance of my Standard Poodles.
I have had them for years and enjoy competing with them but mostly, I love spending time. They are a very important part of my family and honestly they know it.
For the last couple of years I have been competing with my two older boys Thomas & Evan in the team sport Agility and for those who compete know and understand the dedication and team work both you and your dog must have. But also understanding the breed. Standard Poodles are extremely intelligent they have brains as well as beauty and to top it off a great since of humor as some literature say Whimsical! With this in mind there training differs then the herding breed. You have to keep it light and fun or if any different they can and usually find you boring. Drilling the poodle over and over to make sure they got a task is differently not necessary and may shut the poodle down . One time I was at my trainer home Thomas and I were working on a simple rear cross. Thomas got it the first time but I wanted to make sure so I keep repeating it. He went off the field turned and face me and sat down as if to say "when you get it let me know" it was a moment that I should of captured and a lesson for me.
The past year has been a rewarding one for me and a hardship. I have suffered a severe injury to my right knee and of need of surgery I wanted to wait until this season is over and for me it is the last of April but the pain was too severe I had to CX my last two trials and was UN able to attend any classes or fun runs so my boys had no practice. I thought it was so unfair to stress my boys out when they had no practice and for myself it took to long for me to recover from a trial, class or a fun run so I stopped.This broke my heart as I wanted to complete this season for my boys were doing so well but change was in the air and I knew I could not complete the season.
I felt like a failure to my boys and to the sport. Truthfully my boys do not care they just love being with me no matter what because even when they did not receive Qualifying scores I still hug my boys knowing its tough out there.
Canceling my last two trials in April lead me to think well I can work on titles of Obedience and this all three of my boys can achieve so obedience run through are in the making in Palm bay for us and they are entered in a trial in June.
We have been working on all the required exercise for Beginners Novice as they can earn a title what is good for us it is a good summer project. It is easy on my knee, They can earn titles and most important we have fun! A major factor is all Trials in Fl are held inside in Air Conditioning so for summer heat it as a Way to stay cool.
I have not given up! just changed my direction for now. My surgery is schedule for July 30 and this will give me time to heal and recover for agility in the fall and winter and hopefully planes are IN the making for next April to compete with my boys in PCA ( Poodle Club of American) AKC sanction show in Springfield Maryland for both Novice Obedience and Novice Agility a wonderful way to end my Agility season for next year and a incredible experience. But if non of this happens My boys and I will still have fun just hanging out together
You surely have been through so much and I do so understand the pain of an injured knee. Bless you! Your boys will be so happy just to spend time with you in any way! They love you so!! You stay in my prayers always...
Thanks Susie
My boys are my life they mean so muxch too me. I use all three as my service dogs I mainly use Evan but I just found out that I can take all three on the plane with me for free when I fly
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