Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Easy Calzones!

My Easy Recipe for my Calzones!

2 cans of Pillsbury Pizza Thin Crust
1 lg or 16 oz ricotta cheese
1 tbs of ground garlic
1 tbs of black pepper
2 cups of mozzarella cheese
Peperoni your amount preferred
Salomi your amount preferred
mushrooms your amount preferred
Italian Sweet peppers your amount preferred


Pre heat oven to 350. Roll out your dough place on a baking sheet
Place your ricotta cheese down first .
then add the rest of your filling.
Mozzarella cheese last.
Fold over your dough and press all edges together
Bake until golden brown.

Serves 2 lg Calzones
I usually place my red sauce on the side.



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